There are certain ideas about ornaments and what is accepted and not accepted to wear in certain situations. But should you follow them? Let’s look at the most common myths about ornaments for women.

Myth one. Bijouterie is suitable only for young girls.
Take a look at the aged actresses and TV hosts. Do you think that these large beads, earrings, and bracelets that are put on them are made of precious stones and metals? Far from it! Most often, it is pure bijouterie. Another thing is that bijouterie differs.
Yes, if you are young, a penny decoration will look good on you. But if you crossed the threshold of thirty years, then you should pay attention not only to the jewelry but also to expensive bijouterie. The main thing is that it harmonizes with the clothes and other features of your image.

The second myth. No one will guess that the decoration is fake if it is skillfully executed.
You shouldn’t count on it too much. Ornaments made of ordinary metal with artificial stones, gilded or silver-plated, are often advertised on TV and on the Web while assuring that they cannot be distinguished from real stones, gold, and silver. But do not forget that your friends, first of all, could also see this advertisement and remember the type of product, and secondly, there are signs by which you can calculate a fake. It is the shine, temperature, and texture of the material…
The third myth. You cannot combine bijouterie with precious stones and metals or gold and silver.
You can stick to this rule if you go to a certain elite get-together. But at the usual party, you can decorate yourself in a freer style. Suppose you wear gold earrings, a gold chain, a silver chain and a pendant of bijouterie. Rings can generally be made of different materials, the main thing is that at least one of them is combined with the rest of the ornaments. If you have gold earrings – let at least one of the rings be of gold. If you are wearing a silver chain – at least one ring should be made of silver.

Myth Four. You cannot wear several similar ornaments at the same time – it is a bad taste.
It depends. If you put a pendant on your neck or a chain, then the necklace worn on top will only complement the image. If the chains are different in design, they also do not interfere with each other. But if you put on beads or necklaces of different colors and designs, this can be taken for bad taste.
There may be several rings and signet-rings on the fingers. But it is desirable that they are in harmony with each other.
The fifth myth. All the ornaments that you are wearing should be the same color or shade. Best of all the same as clothing.
Not at all. The main thing is that they are in harmony with your clothes. For example, the black color is in harmony with red, and brown – with beige. And we don’t always wear clothes of the same color!

Myth six. Large jewelry is not suitable for the plump, and small – for the thin.
On the contrary. Massive earrings will distract attention from your plump waist and puffy cheeks, and large beads will hide the fat folds around your neck. But thin chains, pendants, earrings, and rings with small stones will only emphasize harmony and elegance, complement the image of “thin”. A slender girl in too massive jewelry can look just ridiculous, not to mention the fact that it will age her.
The seventh myth. You cannot combine large and small ornaments.
The “main” kit is better to wear a single caliber. But if you are already wearing several different-sized chains and pendants, then you can afford, say, to put on earrings with large stones and a ring with a small pebble. Here the compatibility of colors and design plays the role and not the size.